The 3 Worst Mistakes Small Business Owners Make When Writing Content

- and how to avoid them

Janessa Sanio
2 min readMar 30, 2022

Running a small business means you’re probably doing and writing content for your business, whether it’s for a blog, or email is probably one of those things that’s on your plate. I know how disappointing it can be when you put out a piece of content only to not get any form of engagement when you send it out into World Wide Web.

Don’t worry, I got ya. I’m here to tell you the mistakes you can avoid as a creative business owner when writing content.

  1. Not knowing who you’re writing for

As you scour Pinterest for ideas on what to write or by looking at what your competitors are doing, small business owners forgot one tiny but fatal detail. They forget to think about the person they’re writing it for.

My advice? Forget about Pinterest and your competitors. You need to start with your customers. They are out there searching for answers to problems that you provide as a business. If you can answer their questions, you are definitely going to see the engagement and traffic go up.

  1. Not writing content for every stage of the customer journey

I think this is something not many creative small business owners think about when it comes to content writing, oftentimes writing content only for one or two stages of the journey in their marketing.

To avoid this mistake think about what type of information your potential customers are looking for during the stages of the customer journey — Awareness, Consideration, Purchase and Retention Stages.

  1. Not repurposing the content you wrote

Churning quality content writing is a full-time job on its own and to do all that writing PLUS running your business is going to tire you out fast. Whether you write your own content or hire someone like me, you need to squeeze every bit of value you can out of your content. Repurpose your content for all the platforms you use to extend its life. Have a particularly long piece of pillar content? Break it into a bite-size mini-series on TikTok. Turn it into an email series to your mailing list and maybe even create a YouTube video if you have the bandwidth.

I hope that these tips are going to help you as a creative business owner write content for your own business and if you’d like some more help in writing content for your small business. You can always reach out to me or visit my website:




Janessa Sanio

Content Developer |Artist | Plant Mom | Nerd. I write about creativity, marketing and personal growth.